Saturday, October 17, 2009

Goose Island Oatmeal Stout

David informs me this is a dark beer. It's hard for me to tell because the bottle is dark, and we don't have any "balloon goblets" like the label suggests.

It doesn't taste as actively bad to me as most beer does, but the aftertaste is no different than the initial taste, which strikes me as odd. (But really, what do I know?) It tastes nothing like oatmeal, and I should know. I eat a lot of oatmeal.

The more I drink the sweeter it seems, which might be a function of it warming up, or it might be me acclimating to the idea of drinking beer. But the longer I sit, contemplating what to write next, the sweeter it gets, so I'm thinking it's the warming up-ness.

So moving right into things that I'm vaguely qualified to comment on, I like the label! It's classy, has a cute picture of a goose, and I like the font choice. (It's kind of lacy-fancy, and there are only a few grammar mistakes.) I also, as a n00b, appreciate very much the picture of the correct glass on the back. Maybe someday, when I stop hating beer, I too will own a balloon goblet or two.

It's worth mentioning that this is not a pasteurized beer. I don't know who this would matter to, but there you have it.

So...bearing in mind that I drink Cincinnati tap water on a regular basis, on the beer-ometer, this is partially cloudy.

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